What Your Leopard Gecko Feed Must Be Composed Of

Leopard geckos are fascinating creatures, which is why their popularity as pets continues to increase worldwide. Both men and women are interested in owning these geckos due to their various colors and species. Additionally, they are easy to care for and are known for their hardy nature, thriving in even rough environments and living up to 20 years in captivity. If you are interested in caring for these geckos, it is important to have knowledge about these reptiles first. One of the most important things to know is what leopard geckos should eat.

Leopard geckos are carnivores, meaning they eat live feeds. Their favorite foods are insects, making them insectivores. However, beginners may not know what kind of insects to give their reptile friend and may resort to giving them fruits and vegetables, which are not a part of their diet. While fruits and vegetables are nutritious for humans, geckos need protein and fat more than any other nutrients. Therefore, they love to eat insects.

Pet stores sell crickets, mealworms, and grasshoppers, which are the favorite foods of leopard geckos. Amongst those insects, grasshoppers are the most nutritious for geckos but also the most expensive. For medium hobbyists, crickets would already suffice, providing geckos with a good amount of protein and fat that they need. Mealworms are more fat content.

Before feeding leopard gecko feed to your pet, it is essential to "gut load" it, meaning to feed the insects with healthy and nutritious food. It is pointless to give your reptile pets leopard gecko feed that lacks the nutrients they need. Moreover, it is vital to ensure that your geckos eat the food that you give them. Feeding them is not simply picking up a few insects, putting them in the vivarium, and leaving your pets to eat them. There are instances where the geckos are bitten or eaten by the insects, causing them injuries.

You may also give your pet supplements such as calcium, which are available in pet stores. These supplements can be used by putting some amount of it in a plastic bag along with the insects, giving it a good shake, and then giving the leopard gecko feed to your reptile pet. Additionally, providing clean water is essential. Providing all these leopard geckoes feeds to your pet can ensure that they will be healthy and happy for years to come.